As a result of his particular range of experiences, Andrea Corti has earned a proven track record in assisting businesses facing economic crisis in both the pre-insolvency and the insolvency stages, as well as in the liquidation phase and in helping to negotiate the extra-judicial settlement of outstanding debt.
By collaborating in the management of various judicial assignments, both in civil and criminal court cases, he has developed a varied set of skills in the areas of bankruptcy, arrangements with creditors, and in judicial sentences regarding economic and accounting matters.
He is also specialised in civil court cases where he acts as Expert Witness and court-appointed Expert, and carries out management and accounting audits aimed at company acquisitions.
Finally, thanks to the technical skills he has acquired in the areas of civil law, bankruptcy and taxation, Andrea Corti also assists in drafting and editing articles for specialty publications.
Professional Experience and Education
Chartered Accountant with Studio Solidoro, where he began his employment on an internship in 2003.
- Registered in the Order of Chartered Accountants and Auditors Milan
- Degree in Economics and Business, with specialisation in “Business Economics”, from Milan’s Sacred Heart Catholic University